Fan Club SMS Messages

Fan club short message service (SMS) messages can be a very efficient way to communicate with fan club members. Fan club SMS message can serve a variety of purposes ranging from entertainment to brand promotion and marketing, but the different types of fan club SMS messages have some elements in common that fan club administrators should be aware of.

Fan club SMS text messages are a popular way for fan clubs to communicate with their members. SMS messages allow for direct, instant communication with fan club members through their cell phones or mobile devices and can also provide a way for members of fan clubs to provide feedback or input. Fan clubs come in a variety of forms, ranging from those supporting entertainers and artists to those promoting a business, brand, or product. Regardless of the type of fan club, fan club SMS messages can be used in many ways:

  • To alert members about special events
  • To share important or interesting news
  • To announce new releases
  • To offer special deals or contests
  • To get feedback from fan club members

Marketing with fan club SMS text messages can be very effective because it provides a way to send immediate, exclusive information to fans and build a better relationship with fan club members. Members sign up to join the fan club and receive the SMS messages because they are interested in the special news and promotions or contests offered by the fan club. The fan club administrators can then send out messages that they know the fan club members will be interested in, and that should reach the members when they need it to. There are several examples of how this can work to help organizations and their fans:

  • An artist can alert fans about a last-minute change of venue
  • A retail business can let fans know when a new product will be released and even offer a special coupon code to encourage customers to buy the new product as soon as it’s available
  • A band can have a contest for fans who attend a performance to win a chance to meet the band. The winner would receive a special message on their cell phone at the concert that they would use to get in to  meet the band after the show
  • A sports team can let fans buy early tickets or get a discount on tickets or special seats
  • An entertainer can announce his or her tour schedule first to fan club members
  • A company that is designing a new product can get input from fan club members, such as by finding out what features they are most interested in

Organizations can find many creative way to use fan club SMS text messages. By providing fan club members with exclusive information and offers, they can allow fans to feel more involved, increase fan loyalty, and encourage fans to come to events or purchase products.

People or organizations that want to start an SMS text message fan club should keep a couple of guidelines in mind since sending bulk text messages requires an investment of time and money:

  • Before starting an SMS text message marketing campaign, decide on your goals and your budget for the fan club SMS messages, and then track your success so you can make adjustments as needed
  • Only send messages to people who signed up to receive them. Messages that people did not sign up to receive will usually be regarded as spam, which are a waste of money and can damage an organization’s reputation
  • Keep messages interesting. This means only sending messages when there is something to say, and not sending them so often that they become annoying.
  • Make sure the messages are clear and will make sense to the fan club members.

By carefully planning their SMS text message campaign, fan clubs can use SMS text messaging as part of an effective strategy to stay connected with their fans.